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Proactive Circles Training – Minot – FREE

Minot, ND

Register for the event here. Choose one session from 8:30-11:30 AM CT or 12:30-3:30 PM CT. Proactive Circles are a powerful Tier 1 tool to build empathy and relationships, while...


Proactive Circles Training – Minot – FREE

Minot, ND

Register for the event here. Choose one session from 8:30-11:30 AM CT or 12-3 PM CT. Proactive Circles are a powerful Tier 1 tool to build empathy and relationships, while...


Restorative Conferencing – Minot – FREE

Minot, ND

Register for the two-day event here. Sessions take place from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Restorative Conferencing is a Tier 2/Tier 3 component of a Restorative Practices framework for discipline,...


Resilience Through Connection (Presented by NDCPD)


Strong relationships are essential for good health, yet many people, especially those with disabilities, experience loneliness and isolation, which can harm their well-being. The Resilience Through Connection ECHO® provides a...


VitalCog for Athletic Staff


The VitalCog for Athletic Staff program helps you to appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention while creating an opportunity for open conversations about mental health, suicide, and resources in...


Safety Planning for Suicide Prevention


Free suicide prevention training for providers who serve Service Members, Veterans, and their families. A safety plan is a personalized, predetermined, and prioritized written list of coping strategies and sources...


Relationship Mapping Facilitator Training


Click here to Register A three-part learning series to provide educators with the confidence to facilitate the Relationship Mapping strategy with their staff to track student-to-educator relationships. Relationship Mapping is...

Fostering Resilience (MSU Symposium)

Student Conference Center, Minot State University

Fostering Resilience: Trauma-Informed Care, Ethics, and the Power of Community (MSU Symposium)  Bringing together professionals from various fields—including healthcare, social work, addiction, education, law enforcement, and other community services—this symposium...


SWIS Implementation Training


Click here to Register. The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system used to improve behavior support in schools and other educational facilities by providing school personnel and...


PREPaRE Workshop 1 – Virtual


Click here to Register. Session Times: April 3rd and 10th from 8:30am - 12:00pm Description: During this workshop, participants gain knowledge and resources essential to establishing and sustaining comprehensive, ongoing school...

Contact B-Hero for Price Quote
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